
AA National Convention

04 Apr, 2011

On March 25th took place the opening of the X National Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous.

More than 75,000 people meet in the Aztec Stadium to assist this Great Reunion of will and faith, expecting a better future for all the persons involved.

Meeting started at 16:00 with the warm welcome of the organizers, satellite connections to other places in Mexico touched the audience feelings and filled with enthusiasm and hope one of the world´s larger stadiums.

Around 20:00 lights went off and created a magic scenario of thousands of lighten candles on terraces of the stadium. The esthetics and feeling of this view would only be matched with the dawn of fireworks display never seen before on the city, and so it happened.

The excitement of assistants were tangible from the first detonations, the joy grew as the pyromusical show gained height and ended with the yell of the multitude, yells of enjoyment and illusion of all the people gathered that live and dream on their rehab.

Pirotecnia Internacional salutes this people effort and present to them our efforts to make this National Convention one that will not be easily forgotten.

You can find an extract from the video of the fireworks display here,      

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AA National Convention
On March 25th took place the opening of the X ...