
Pirotecnia Internacional has the largest variety of products in Mexico, however, when our client's needs had required it, special effects and products with specific characteristics had been manufactured

Choose the type of product that interests you:
     Grand Pyrotechnics
     Low Impact fireworks(Stage effects)
     Interiors pyrotechnics(Cold pyrotechnics)
     Diurnal Effects(Pyrotechnics at daylight)
     Papyrotechnics(Paper effects)
     Aquatics Effects
     FX (Special Effects)
     Industrial Applications

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             - Get Flash Player 8: www.macromedia.com

Producciones y Servicios
Videos y Fotografías
Asistente y Contacto
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Graciela No. 31 Col. Guadalupe Tepeyac. C.P. 07840 México, D.F. Tel. +52 (55) 5537-1332  
AA National Convention
On March 25th took place the opening of the X ...